def fibonacci():
# determine number of terms
n = int(input("Enter the number of terms in the sequence: "))
# no negative numbers
if n < 0:
raise ValueError
i = 0
# return the fibonacci values to generate sequence
while i <= n:
print(fibonacciRecursion(i), end=" ")
i += 1
except ValueError:
print("Please try again. You must input a positive integer.")
def listy(n):
# using comma puts space between values
# dicionary name[key] used to find the value that corresponds to the specified key
print(myList[n]["First Name"], myList[n]["Last Name"])
# \t is a tab indent, end="" make sure no return occurs
print("\t", "Sponsors: ", end="")
# join allows printing a string list with separator (join all sponsors and separate with commas)
print(", ".join(myList[n]["Sponsors"]))
# recursion simulates loop incrementing on each call (n + 1) until exit condition is met
def myRecursive(n):
if n < len(myList):
myRecursive(n + 1)
# exit condition
class Factorial:
def __init__(self):
def __call__(self, n):
# no negative numbers
if n < 0:
return "Error! Can't calculate factorial for negative numbers."
# factorial of 1 and factorial of 0 are both equal to 1
elif n <= 1:
return 1
# calculate the factorial
return n * self(n - 1)