Team Brainwrite

Project Ideas

  1. After-school organization tool

  2. Travel website

Website Purpose

Travel web application providing users with a tool to organize travel plans and prepare for their next adventure.

Website Ideas

  1. Authentication
  • Users can sign up and log in to access personal itineraries, packing lists... etc
  1. Search capabilities
  • Over entire website
  • Searching itinerary database
  1. Currency converter
  2. Map
  3. Notifications (possibly for change in flight data)


  1. Flight Data
  1. Weather API
  2. Translator API


  1. Itinerary
  • Table where users can add travel plans

  • More complex idea: allow sharing/collaboration on itinerary plans (across user accounts)

  1. Packing list


  1. Los Angeles
  2. San Fransisco
  3. Yosemite National Park
  4. San Diego
  5. Sacramento
  6. Joshua Tree
  7. Palm Springs
  8. Santa Barbara


Part 1

Part 2

Specific Destinations to Focus Data (Flights, Weather, Hotels) On

Our goal is to focus on popular cities in California.

  1. Santa Barbara
  2. Los Angeles
  3. San Fransico

Roles and Tasks

Scrum Master: Rebecca

  • Manage scrum board
  • Ensure prompt delivery/completion of tasks
  1. Weather API for each location
  • fetch from deployed Spring website
  1. User reviews of tourist sites and restaurants
  • Haha/Boohoo --> but with 5 stars
    • POJO
    • Future concept to learn: how to add written comments (ie for users to post their reviews of restaurants and sites)

Dev Ops: Linda

  • Deploy Spring website

Frontend Developer: Divya

Backend Developer: Vaishavi

  • Databases work + communications
  1. Calender/Itinerary Page
  • One weekly calender spread & one monthly calender spread
    • Each day will have a textbox, which people can type into to get backed up into a database (local storage --> eventually database, possibly linked with account)
    • Idea: Users can log what they're planning to do per day, scheduling, reminders for trip
  1. Packing List
  • Text box that will link to database associated with the user's account